How to Find People Near Me on Snapchat? Add Nearby Friends, Guide!!

How to Find People Near Me on Snapchat? Add Nearby Friends, Guide!!

How to Find People Near Me on Snapchat? Add Nearby Friends, Guide!!

If you’re looking to discover the people who are on Snapchat nearby by their current whereabouts. This article is can help you as you’ll discover how to locate those near me in Snapchat to use on your iPhone as well as Android device without any trouble.

Snapchat introduced an awesome feature called “Add Nearby”. This feature allows you to add a group of friends or a couple of guys, and they are able to hang out with the other. If you click on the ‘Add Nearby option, the names of your friends will appear on the screen. Now you just need to click to add them.

What is Snap Map?

Snap Map is an amazing spot, where you can meet new friends and view their activity on Snapchat.

Snap Map provides you with the select snaps from music festivals, sports events local news, games, local news and other hot topics in Snap Map.

If you’ve already shared your address via your Snapchat account, then you’ll check out what’s happening around you via Snapchat Map. Snap Map.

Important! If you’re actively using Snap Map that time unknown users can view your current location.

How Does Snap Map Work?

Snap Map lets you appear the current location of your friends and recently posted stories by people around the world.

Snap Map is powered by Mapbox that is integrated location into app.

You are able to view the current location of people by searching their Bitmoji on the Snap Map, and you can also see recently posted stories by other users by clicking on the blue hotspots on the Snap Map.

How to Find People Near Me on Snapchat

If you wish to find new guys nearby you for making friend them. So in this section, we will explore all possible things which assist you to find new users nearby you on your Snapchat account; below shown all headlines, you can navigate them as your choice:

  1. How to Find Snapchat Users Near Me on iPhone & Android?
  • Go to Your Snapchat App and Tap on ‘Location’ icon
  • Finding Your Location on Snap Map and Tap on ‘Blue Hotspot’
  • Click on ‘Blue Hotspot’ and Story will Appear
  1. How to Add Nearby Friends on Snapchat Using Snap Map?
  2. How to Add Nearby Someone on Snapchat Using Google Image?
  3. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • If you don’t have Add Nearby open can someone find me?
  • If you blocked an account on Snapchat, can this find me on Add Nearby?
  • How can i use Snap Map on my PC?

Let’s Start!!

How to Find Snapchat Users Near Me on iPhone & Android?

Snapchat is a fantastic app that allows you to discover friends nearby on Snapchat. With this feature it is easy to find people who are your area and then add them as friends on the Snapchat app. This article will guide you through the steps to search for close friends or other Snapchat users Snapchat through Snap Map.

Go to Your Snapchat App and Tap on ‘Location’ icon:

Firstly you have to open your Snapchat app on your iPhone or Android device, and logged in your Snachat account by introducing their username and password.

Once logged in, you will go to your home screen of your account ‘Camera viewfinder’; here at the bottom, you will see many options like as chat icon, friends’ icon, spotlight icon and location icon. And go to your ‘Snap Map’ tab by tapping on <Location> icon.


Finding Your Location on Snap Map and Tap on ‘Blue Hotspot’:

When you tap on <Location> icon then it will showing up you to ‘Snap Map’. On this map, you can find yourself and get zoom the map; you will view your ‘Bitmoji’ that means your profile pic indicated as ‘Me’.

Getting to slide your finger left-right on your phone’s screen, zoom for a most clear view and find out yourself on the Snap Map. Nearby your profile image; you can also view Bitmoji of your friends. On zooming map, a little bit more, you will view blue circle lights around you, on your Snap Map.


These blue hotspots indicate that people recently posted a story on that location. If you wish to find someone nearby on Snapchat; then click on ‘Blue Hotspot’ near your Bitmoji icon on the Map.

Click on ‘Blue Hotspot’ and Story will Appear:

Once you’ve taped a the blue hotspot in your Snap Map; this will show up as a story.

You must be aware of a few key facts about the posted story. you’ll be able to be able to see the < View Creator> button.

In the upper left hand corner of the stories, you will be able to see when the story was published. For example, if the story was published just 4 hours ago, it would appear 4 hours ago.

You ought to be aware to keep track of when the the story was made public, as who has quit the place.

If the story was published just an hour ago, the suspect is likely still in the same spot. If the story was published over a day it is possible that the person has gone elsewhere.

Another thing you must do is to do to access the “View Creator” button

If you click < View Creator> to view the username of the friend as well as the displayed name.

Important! A person’s story is only displayed on Snap Map only on Snap Map if they have included it in Our Story>, otherwise, it won’t appear on the Snap Map.

How to Add Nearby Friends on Snapchat UsingSnap Map?

If you are meeting new acquaintances and would like to connect them to Snapchat If so, then the the ‘Add Nearby’ feature is the best for you. Each person must open Add Nearby simultaneously time in order to search the one. If you do not find any results within a minute, then go back to search. How to do that:

  • Click on the < Bitmoji> icon that is located in lower-left-hand corner.
  • On the next page, select option
  • Then, click on the option and select “OK” to the permission for Snapchat to search your location near friends.
  • If you want, request a friend to enable Add Nearby on their phone.
  • Then, click the the +> “Plus” symbol on the right side of your friend’s username to join them! If a friend is able to add you then we’ll let you to connect with them!
  • In the event that you fail to be able to recognize a name, it could be the case of a person you’ve never met, and who has the Add Nearby open.

How to Add Nearby Someone on Snapchat UsingGoogle Image?

In just a few easy steps, you can add a user to your Nearby’s list on Snapchat via Google Image with ease. Here’s how?

  • Enter the the search box and enter the Snapcode “Location”. The location you type in must be where you are at the moment.
  • If you do, Google Image find will showing up your Snapcodes of Snapchatter in the specific area that you typed into the Google’s search box.
  • You can now include them in the Snapchat friends list by making use of Snapchatcodes.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

In the event that you do not have Add Nearby enabled, is there a way to find my location?

Never, as the Add Nearby feature will work only if both users have Add Nearby open.

If you’ve blocked your account from Snapchat Can this locate you in Add Nearby?

It’s not possible! If you’ve blocked your account, then it is not possible to see your account in Add Nearby. It doesn’t matter if you’re within close proximity, and each has the Add Nearby open.

How can i use Snap Map on my PC?

Of course! You are able to utilize Snap Map on your computer or laptop by going to Snapchat official website in your internet browser.

  • After logging in you will be on the “Home Page after logging in, you will see the option.
  • The drop-down menu will be displayed and then tap the option.
  • After that, Snap Map will be open in a new tab. It will let the browser know your current location.

Wrapping Up

After reading this article you should be aware of how to locate people in my area via Snapchat. It would be helpful to know that there’s always a method to help you meet individuals near you to start making friends. If this article has been helpful to you, then share it with your acquaintances and family members through social media platforms such for example Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter, and other.

If you have knowledge or suggestions, tips or have a query about this subject? Leave a comment!


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